Ghosted : Historic Brooklyn…

Black & White photo of historic Williamsburg Brooklyn NY savings bank.From a small personal series I have recently been working on: Ghost Buildings NYC – A series of architectural structures and city buildings, ghosted by being draped in black tarp while they are under construction.


In the past two years I have noticed so many buildings in NYC being covered this way and often find their shapes so intriguing. Somehow the now massive dark silhouette contrasted against a big clear sky makes these buildings more memorable.  Although their true identity is temporarily masked, it reminds me to never judge a book by its cover, or rather not to judge people for any faults, since many of us are temporarily masked by the uncertainty of our future.

One day; construction shall be completed, the false facades removed, and sun will once again fill the windows of all our lives.

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2 Responses to Ghosted : Historic Brooklyn…

  1. Kelly Hoskins says:

    I would love to hear/see more in regards to this personal series. Do you plan on publishing or a show perhaps?

    Thank you.

    • Hi Kelly.
      I am not yet sure if I will do a show or just publish them online but it is something I am actively involved in. I will keep you posted either way.
      Thank you!


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